A Journey to God
A Journey to God
The ultimate yearning of the human soul is to return to its Lord in a state where He is pleased with His servant and the servant is pleased with their Master. This book offers unique insights to prepare you for the journey to God through the wisdom of the great spiritual master Ibn Ata'illah al-Iskandari as expounded in his masterpiece al-Hikam. This is the ultimate quest of the human soul; however, without knowledge of the spiritual path, the journey will be more challenging and full of obstacles. This book covers various topics on what can be learnt to make the journey such as: improving you character, becoming aware of and concerned with the spirit and the feelings of the heart, discovering your faults and shortcomings, humbling yourself and concentrating in your prayers.
Author/Publisher: Jasser Auda
Format: Paperback
Print Length: 120 Pages
Category/Rating: Brand New
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